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Note: This is a draft post. I just wanted to get some of this information out as soon as possible to set expectations for where Afrek is as of writing this post, and what the end goal is.


Last updated: 2024-02-01

Table of Contents

  1. Motivation
  2. Schedule
  3. Pricing
  4. Phases
    1. Alpha
    2. Beta
    3. Production
    4. Post-production
    5. Further dream features


I will be charging a subscription fee for Afrek, but the goal is not to make money off the service, but rather to cover the hosting costs and to support the time I plan on putting into Afrek over the next several years.


Development will be split into roughly 3 phases:

If you found Afrek naturally feel free to sign up and give it a spin! There will be no obligation for you to keep using Afrek if you don't like it once I start charging for it. I will start officially asking for testers during the start of the beta phase, both to look for bugs, get feature requests, and to try to find like-minded people that want the same type of day planner that I want.

The code to Afrek will be open-sourced no later than the early production stage, in case you'd like to run your own instance instead of paying for the one I'm running.


I will start charging subscription fees for the app sometime during the beta stage. The production level pricing will be US$3 per month, US$30 per year, and includes a free 30-day trial.

I have not yet decided if I will start charging at reduced pricing during the beta stage or if I will jump immediately to the full price. I suppose it depends on the features available at that time, as well as the overall quality of the user experience. Rest assured pricing will not be enabled without notice, if you've signed up you'll receive an email at least 30 days before you must buy a subscription, and that subscription will still come with a 30-day free trial, so you'll get at least an additional 2 months free before you have to actually start paying.

I know that not everyone can afford to pay for subscriptions, so I plan to offer free use of, and reduced pricing for, Afrek to students as well as people living in weaker economies around the world. This will be offered and considered on a case-by-case basis to begin with. You can apply by sending an email to the contact link in the footer. In the future, once I've identified any trends in the types of people that are applying for free use or reduced pricing, I may add some form of automated process for applying for or getting reduced pricing in addition to the manual approach. At this time I simply don't have enough knowledge to understand how to apply this automatically.






Further dream features

I would love to be able to add some further features to Afrek, but whether I get to them depends on multiple factors, most importantly the financial success of Afrek. I have a full-time job and a family, so I'm working on Afrek in spare time I can find here and there over the span of weeks. If Afrek ever becomes successful enough to significantly support or replace the income from my full-time job I will be reducing my hours at work, but to get to even the start of that point would require at least 5,000 monthly subscribers.

My current goals for Afrek aren't nearly that lofty. I'd be happy to just have 10s of subscribers that love Afrek and how it works. If I reach that point I will have considered this a major success. But if I ever do reach the point where I can put more effort into Afrek here are some of the dreams I'd love to see implemented: